Watched the Malaysian Open Golf tournament on Showtime Sport Channel for the past two days and felt disappoined that we once again failed to capture the tournamnet despite having lead the tournament for the opening rounds. Well it looks like Malaysia will have to wait another year and see whether we will be able to make it then. Despite being away from Malaysian soil, I guess all Malaysian would want a Malaysian to make it whatmore with the tournamnet being held in Malaysia.
Though one would always saya that may the best man wins, but deep inside us we will always be hoping that a local would win. Still Chia has made Malaysian proud of his achievement and hope that he will bring more fame to Malaysia in the near future. Thats the patriotic spirit within all of us which we should nurture not only in sports but in all that we do. We must learn to be proud of Malaysia and what we stand for. Thats how a nation and its people could move forward especially with the catch phrase of Malaysia Boleh!. Malaysia is second best to NONE!
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