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Economic Lifeline

All nations are bracing for a downslide in their economy arising from the global economic recession. Malaysia too will not be immuned or spared from the reverberating effects of a recession. In its own way, the government has introduced a mini budget - a RM60bil lifeline - for the country to try and prevent it from slipping into a recession. Much discussion had been held, some with opposing views in terms of its allocation. What is more important though is to ensure that the 60 billion is utilized to its maximum according to what it was meant for and not for other purposes according to the interpretation of individuals in power.

The objective of having the budget would not be achieved if there are leakages, misappropriation, etc. Despite it being a mini budget with specific objectives, there are still voices of dissent on how it should be distributed. To the voices of disagreement, the word “budget” in itself means allocation of resources in accordance with priority within the means available to achieve the maximum output. As such there is no way the allocation could meet all demands.

Faced with a bleak and gloomy economic situation, Malaysia and other nations need to focus its energy and efforts at reviving the economy. In the case of Malaysia, too much time and emphasis has been spent on political bickering among the the various political parties. Politics alone will not take Malaysia anywhere but only the road downward which inevitably will also brings down the country’s economy and image as well. Let us all be honest and true to oneself to want to work towards the betterment of the nation and our peoples. Do not allow the economy of our country be held at ransom or be another political issue to further divide the nation. Let us all as individuals not allow ourselves be hoodwinked into the personal game plan of any parties. Bring back stability to Malaysia and let us all be proud to be known as Malaysian once again.
