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Malaysian Successes!

Congratulations to Malaysian cyclist Azizul Hasni Awang and Mohd Rizal Tisin for their performance and achievement in the World Track Cycling Championships in Pruskow, Poland last week. Azizul grabbed the silver medal in the individual sprint event while Mohd Rizal Tisin snatched a bronze in the 1km individual time trial. They make Malaysians proud of their success and proves to the world the true “Malaysia Boleh” spirit. From unknowns in the last five years, both have sprung surprises to other competitors from other countries.

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The two are just some examples of our achievements. There are in fact many more Malaysians that have achieved international successes and recognitions in various fields. And these people are not extraordinary in the beginning; they are just normal Malaysians with normal upbringing and background. They should all be role model which could be inspirational to the future generation. We do not have to wait to tell the younger generation of their successes posthumously. Perhaps one of our many TV channels could have some kind of program not only to highlight their successes but their background story – more to the human side – which ordinary people could easily relate to on the personal front. By having it on the TV, it would be able to reach all sectors of societies. Our media should not only highlight the incentive aspect of the successes because in the long run, our youth would only be relating success to incentive. Thus indirectly continuously propagating the materialistic aspect of successes rather than the importance of creating a wholesome responsible individual. Its a pity that Malaysian society are slowly losing its moral values. Everything now seems to be valued in monetary equivalent. Are all things for the taking in this so-called “development” era?
