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Parental Responsibility

There was an editorial in New Straits Times last week (first week of August 2008) on the issue of parental responsibility. I wrote in my blog quite some time back entitle “Parents to Pay for Misbehaved Children”. You may wish to read it whereby in brief it is basically on the decision of the Government of Syrian to decree that parents should be held responsible for their children behavior. Societies at large have in general highlighted the rights of the child which should not be impinged by others as provided for under the Child Act 2001. Notwithstanding this, there are instances where adults/parents should be held accountable for the child’s behavior. Their actions if not properly monitored from young would bring about negative development in society and the nation in the long run.

read further.......

As such parents should be held responsible to the overall development of their child. They should not only be held accountable for the provisions of material needs but also showered with love to fulfill their spiritual and moral needs which they could effectively emulate and passed down to future generations. Strength of character infused with respect, honesty, responsibility and care defines the backbone to a society. These invaluable values have to be imbued back into society starting from each individual home. Development and progress should not be used as an excuse for one to neglect that responsibility.

Quoting from a comment in the media which I truly agree!

“We cannot as a nation gain development and growth if our own lives are
broken. The 1Malaysia
vision calls on us to be a family in our homes,
and in our land. 1Malaysia seeks for us to return to
the basics of mutual respect,
honesty,responsibility and a caring society. To gain success as a nation,
we must define success in our own homes,in our own souls
and in our own conscience.”
