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Farewell Syria (Thoughts penned on 10 March 2010)

Counting the days for my imminent departure from Damascus, upon the completion of my tour of duty, makes me realize that there is still much more for me to see, learn and experience in Syria. The kind hospitality and friendly disposition of the people makes my stay interesting, despite my obvious language handicap. Guided by Malaysians, including students, that have resided in Syria for quite some time and that have acquired proficiency in the Arabic language, I had managed to travel to some interesting places throughout Syria, as reflected in my previous blogging notes, though many more I would had to miss.

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I feel proud and elated moving around Syria when the mention of Malaysia brings positive response from the Syrians. The names of Tun Mahathir and other leaders always cropped up in my numerous conversations with the locals and their aspirations to be able to emulate Malaysia’s successful economic transformation. They too feel proud that Malaysia, being an Islamic nation, had proven that economic development is achievable and within their reach. They strongly believe that they too could get out of the so-called poverty, economic malaise cycle one day. And from what I see during my brief stay in Syria, I too believe that Syria would be able to transform her economy much faster than some of the other Arab countries, provided that the government continues with its efforts at restructuring the economy as well as bringing the bureaucracy up to meet the fast paced demand of a developing society and economy.

The many friends and acquaintances I leave behind, at both in the official and personal capacity, I say thank you or “shukran jazillan” and hope that we would be able continue to keep in touch in the future.

In And Out
