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Notes whilst in Medina

It was considered a free day for me since the meeting ended a day earlier than scheduled. Had tried to change the flight back to Damascus but there was no seat available and I have no choice but to stay on and take the flight back as scheduled, on Thursday morning. There is only one flight per day from Jeddah to Damascus. After completing the necessary report on the meetings, decided with my colleague to travel to Medina which is about 370kms away from Jeddah, roughly about 8 hours drive to and fro. We left Jeddah at about 12.45 pm and stop by at one of the rest area for Zohor prayers and lunch.

While on the way towards Medina, heard about an accident involving Malaysians about 40kms away from Medina. Was made to understand that the group had just arrived in Jeddah on the monring flight and was travelling directly to Medina. The accident happened at about 8.30 am local time. We passed the crash site at about 4 pm and saw the bus that was ferrying the Malaysians on the opposite side of the road. We later came to know that the accident took place because the bus was trying to avoid a pick-up truck that swerved into its lane. Based on what we saw of the bus wreckage by the roadside, it is safe to assume that it must have been travelling at more than 140km per hour. The driver must have lost control of the steering leading to the bus hitting the fenced road divider and hitting the hill on the other side. There were many casualties, including deaths. May Allah Bless their soul!

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Reached Medina at about 5.30 pm and we headed directly towards Nabawi Mosque (Prophet’s Mosque). The most notable feature of the Prophet's Mosque is the green Dome of the Prophet, which rises higher amongst the sea of white domes. This is where the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad is located; early Muslim leaders Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab are buried in an adjacent area as well. Said my Asar prayers and waited for Magrib which is about 6.45 pm. Then just browse at some of the shops near the mosque. The mosque is sort of surrounded by hotels, jewellery shops and others. There is even a Starbuck Coffee near the mosque.

Departed for Jeddah at about 9.30 pm and arrived at about 1.00 am Thursday. Packed my bags and get ready to go to the airport.

Makkah and Medina
Makkah and Medina
Makkah and Medina
Makkah and Medina
full album you may visit here
